Everybody, professors and students and Proctors the same, knew that if the sign said 'do not walk on the grass', one hopped. Anybody who didn't had failed to understand what Oxford was.

Natasha Pulley
Some Similar Quotes
  1. We loved with a love that was more than love. - Edgar Allan Poe

  2. The highest function of love is that it makes the loved one a unique and irreplaceable being. - Tom Robbins

  3. Love is not the absence of logicbut logic examined and recalculatedheated and curved to fitinside the contours of the heart - Tammara Webber

  4. Love is illogical, love had consequences-- I did this to myself, and I should be able to take it. - Marie Lu

  5. What does the brain matter compared with the heart? - Virginia Woolf

More Quotes By Natasha Pulley
  1. I'd always thought it was gaudy, but standing there watching him beside the gold and glass shrine, I realised that his was a candlelight faith. It didn't work in the clear unforgiving light in London or Scandinavia, where even the dust in the cathedrals showed....

  2. What's gone before you, and what will come after, ' I said instead. 'Beg pardon?' 'The past ahead. Time is like a river and you float with the current. Your ancestors set off before you did, so they're far ahead. Your descendants will sail it...

  3. What's that?' Thaniel said, curious. The postmarks and stamps weren't English or Japanese.'A painting. There's a depressed Dutchman who does countryside scenes and flowers and things. It's ugly, but I have to maintain the estates in Japan and modern art is a good investment.

  4. Mori made an unwilling sound. 'I don't like Western art.'' No look at this.' He lifted it from its package. It wasn't heavy. 'It's clever, it looks like busy Mozart.''What?''I .. .' Thaniel sighed. 'I see sound. Mozart looks like this. You know. Fast strings.''...

  5. I'm a Buddhist. You might have a Christian obligation to catch pneumonia while you sit for two and a half hours listening to some twerp in a dress drone on about the virtue of wedded life but, dear as you are to me, I don't.

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